The Sorcerer, the Magus and the Kineticist

For years, they had been together. There was a sorcerer with words of gold, a magus with a sharp edge and a kineticist with an aflame heart. They'd found each other, and once alone, they were no longer so. They travelled the land, their magic running as wild as the tales about them. Their different races meant that they would not be able to spend as long as they wished by each other side's, so they searched for a cure. Would it be a spell, an artifact or a being that would gift the sorcerer a longer life? On and on they travelled, never falling or failing.
As years passed, their desperation grew. The sorcerer was growing older, weaker. They continued on, until an ancient being found them first. The being was almost godly, with powers so strong that the trio fell, each imprisoned in different cells far underground. The being appeared before each of them, and offered them a deal: he would devour their magic, which would kill them, but in exchange, he would grant them a wish.
The magus went first: he wished for a duel against the being, in which they would all be freed should he win. The being nodded and granted his wish: thus the magus died.
The sorcerer spoke second. He begged that the being took his sole life in exchange for the other two's, unaware that the magus was already gone. The being nodded and granted his wish: thus the sorcerer died.
The kineticist came third: she wished that in another lifetime, their souls may meet again. The being nodded and granted her wish: thus the kineticist survived, her life saved by the sorcerer's wish.
She was freed, left to wander the lands for centuries, until the souls of her lovers came back to her. Alone, she waited. One day, they would find each other again.

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