Oliver's Diary

    It has been months, perhaps a year, since I have last offered you written words. I pray that my music has filled your shadows just as your darkness has filled my heart. Finally, my skills have granted me magic that may feed you. With my violin, I can conjure forth magic in your honour.

    I am writing for I have joined your campaign, Lady of the Night, Lady of Pain, Lady of Redemptions. Ezekiel decided I was finally ready to join your crusade, and my being shakes with excitement. My fingers, though the pain no longer laces them thanks to your mercy, itch to inflict your blessings and will upon your chosen targets.

    From the pain, they shall grow, or perish in your wake.

    I offer you my thanks, for my life would not be mine had you not rescued me.

    Oliver Lynch
    Ezekiel said that I should take up violin lessons. I didn't tell him that I had already started reading music sheets, unravelling their secrets and matching the notes to my violin. Ô, lady of pain, how beautifully my fingers ache as I press down on the strings. How good it hurts with every note, as my wrist tries to find the correct angle to produce the notes I offer to you with my full heart.

    Ezekiel has arranged violin lessons every morning. He sees potential in me that I believe you must see too, since you've healed my hands. I cannot wait until I can grasp onto the notes like a real professional, and cast screams in your honor.

    I need no light when your darkness envelops me.

    Thank you.

    Oliver Lynch

    This is the first word I've been able to write since the loss. I am slow, very slow. Trouble with making each letter clear. But it felt only fair to offer my first written word to Shar.

    Godess of Darkness and Pain, I thank you for the ache in my hands as I sacrifice these words in your honour.

    You have granted me back my fingers, my hands after months of inability. The nerves and skin in my hand ache as I scratch each word into this parchment, but the pain feels good, oh so good. Ô Shar, grant me the foresight to see through your darkness. May this ache never leave me.

    I will revere the pain you have granted me. Soon, I will be able to offer more than writing to you.

    I hope you'll enjoy my music.

    Oliver Lynch
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